Blurry Vision After Lasik Eye Surgery

Blurred vision after laser eye surgery

Laser vision correction surgery (refractive surgery) is a procedure designed to eliminate the need to wear glasses or contact lenses, by changing the optics of the cornea.

​The quality of vision depends on two factors:

(1) the quality of the image captured in the eye and transmitted to the brain – the optical factor.

(2) the quality of the image processing performed in the brain.

Laser eye surgery improves vision by improving the optical factor, in certain cases of post refractive surgery the patient can be left with low myopia (nearsighted).

For more information how to improve blurry vision after Lasik press on RevitalVision After Lasik Eye Surgery program.

After Lasik Surgery

Low myopia after Lasik surgery ,can be improved by creating a better image processing of the brain, thus compensating for a blurry picture obtained from the eye in the case of mild myopia. This goal is reached by RevitalVision eye exercises. The treatment improves the processing of the image in the brain and thus improves the results of laser eye surgery. The exercises will enable you to see better in low light, Improve vision while driving, Reduce symptoms of halos, glare and blinding while driving at night, Improvement in contrast sensitivity ( the ability to distinguish an object merging into a similar background) and improvement in visual acuity (the ability to distinguish sharp contours, measured in the visual acuity test chart)

Improving Blurred Vision After Laser Surgery

Most RevitalVision patients experience improved visual acuity and a significant 100% improvement in contrast sensitivity RevitalVision eye exercises are practiced at home in front of the computer and last approximately 30 minutes, under the supervision of an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.

what to expect after Lasik?

Blurry vision after PRK, Blurry vision after Lasik eye surgery, blurry vision after lasik, light sensitivity after lasik are all possible side effects after lasik eye surgery, and can be improved with RevitalVision.