חדשות ואירועים RevitalVision

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August 2024

RevitalVision is proud to have been awarded the winner of the VSP Vision Innovation Challenge

VSP Vision, the leader in delivering access to health-focused vision care, and MATTER, the premier healthcare incubator and innovation hub, announce RevitalVision as the winner of the first-ever VSP Vision Innovation Challenge.

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June 2024

ESA-ISA 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Prof. Yair Morad will be presenting RevitalVision at the ESA-ISA 2024 Joint Meeting of the European and International Strabismological Associations, taking place in Toulouse France 13-15 June.

This event brings together the leading minds in pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, orthoptic, and binocular vision, to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore the latest developments in these areas.
Professor Yair Morad will speak about Adult Amblyopia Treatment, sharing the latest clinical trial results withRevitalVision.

More about ESA-ISA 2024
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June 2024

RevitalVision on Israel21c

ISRAEL21C  interviewed Yair Yahav, CEO of RevitalVision about RevitalVision’s home-based vision training program.

The article beautifully illustrates how our simple home-based brain training technology greatly enhances vision and quality of life for our patients

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March 2024

RevitalVision Post Crosslinking Surgery Study Won the Best ASCRS Scientific Poster Award

RevitalVision’s study on post crosslinking surgery patients won the best scientific poster award at ASCRS 2024, and was selected for a live presentation.

This prospective, controlled randomized study evaluated the efficacy of RevitalVision’s vision-training software- program in improving best corrected vision in stable keratoconus patients post crosslinking surgery, and showed remarkable clinical outcomes!

The results demonstrated significant improvement in vision, with a mean improvement of 2.5 VA lines, as well as improvements in contrast sensitivity function (CSF) among crosslinked keratoconus patients who received RevitalVision treatment.

We thank Prof. Lional Raj, Prof. David Heber and the rest of Dr.Agarwal’s Eye Hospital Research team for their awarded work!

Read the full abstract
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Feb 2024

AECOS (American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery)

RevitalVision’s CEO, Yair Yahav, participated in the 2024 AECOS innovation forum, which featured eight top industry innovations. The forum was moderated by Mr. William Link, PhD.


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הצגה בעל פה בכנס השנתי היוקרתי של איגוד רופאי עיניים ילדים ופזילה האמריקאי AAPOS 2024

ברכות לד”ר סיגל זמודזיאק-יחיעם ולצוות מחלקת העיניים במרכז הרפואי שמיר על קבלת מחקר הניסטגמוס שלהם להצגה בעל פה בכנס השנתי היוקרתי של איגוד רופאי עיניים ילדים ופזילה האמריקאי AAPOS 2024.
מחקר קליני רנדומלי מבוקר בחן את היעילות של תוכנת RevitalVision בחולים עם ניסטגמוס מולד.
התוצאות מדגימות שיפור משמעותי בראייה התפקודית ובאיכות החיים של משתתפי המחקר.
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יצירת קשר

    טלשיר טכנולוגיות רפואיות בע"מ
    רח' המעיין 2, מודיעין, ישראל, 7177871
    טלפון: 077-2123272 | info@revitalvision.com